DABAHUWAN (constrained)
- Markay dani meeday tidhi
When need required
- Maxaan talo meel ka dayey
I looked wisdom for every place
- markay dani maaha tidhi
When need denied
- Weydiiyey qof meel ka dayey
I asked a fellow who before me sought counsel.
- Markay dani maaha tidhi
When need denied again
- Ku laabtay halkaan ka dayey
I returned to where I searched before
- Markay dani maaha tidhi
When need denied again
- Ka sii dayey meel la dayey
I searched once more where others failed
- maxay doqonimmo I tidhi
when imbecility whispered to me
- Ruuxaan jirin raad ku doon
Track down a spectre
- Intaan isku duubay been
I embraced falsehood
- ka buuxsaday labada dacal
Stuffing it in my inside pockets
- maxay runi daadi tidhi
then the truth assured me to discard it
- waxaan duluc sii ridnayn
how often a trivial theme
- Indhuhu ku daraandareen
My eyes owe-inspired did shine
- Maxaan dogob beer is idhi
I even transplanted a piece of dead wood
- daruuro u soo sasabay
Begging the clouds to rain
- daryeelka ku maal is idhi
to nurture myself with its fruit
- biyuhu uga sii dareen
but the water made matters worse.
The following poem in the original Somali below and in English translation is representative of buraanbur, a women's praise poetry and dance tradition.
A Mother Praises Her Beloved Daughter
My beloved girl, you are a gift from Allah.
You are sweet, bestowed on me by the Victorious One.
When you were a baby and were held on a lap,
When you became an adolescent and took your place among your peers,
And went to school and claimed success,
Your intellect and knowledge rounded in every way,
You helped me when I lagged behind,
So I pray Allah the Omnipotent on your behalf.
May your life be lived at the highest level
When you begin to date and are ready for marriage.
Do not nag him, and let not your grumbling be heard;
Open your house and spread mats for his people.
Apply incense at home, and dress and indulge him with pleasure,
But if he rewards you with mischief, move out from his home.
Accept this conclusion of my bestowing prayers to you:
I wish you paradise in the life hereafter
You are sweet, bestowed on me by the Victorious One.
When you were a baby and were held on a lap,
When you became an adolescent and took your place among your peers,
And went to school and claimed success,
Your intellect and knowledge rounded in every way,
You helped me when I lagged behind,
So I pray Allah the Omnipotent on your behalf.
May your life be lived at the highest level
When you begin to date and are ready for marriage.
Do not nag him, and let not your grumbling be heard;
Open your house and spread mats for his people.
Apply incense at home, and dress and indulge him with pleasure,
But if he rewards you with mischief, move out from his home.
Accept this conclusion of my bestowing prayers to you:
I wish you paradise in the life hereafter
by Rukia Hussein, trans. Abdhirahman Dahir
Hooya Amaanaysa Gabadheeda
Gabadhii aan jeclaayeey galaddii IlaahayeeyGacalkii la i siiyey ee guule ii gartaay
Gaban markii aad ahayd ee laagu gardaadsanaa
Gurbood markaad noqotay ubadkii ka raacaay gees
Dugsigana aad aaday guushiina soo hantiday
Garaadkaaga iyo aqoontaada gees walbab gaasir ma leh
Markii aan gaabshay tii ii gargaartayeey
Oo guulahaan tuugay rabbigayga gacanta wayn
Giddigeeda noloshaada ha ahaato garabka sare
OO guur marka aad gaarto oo wiil is-gacashataan
Ninka ha guul gullin guryankaaga yaan la maqal
Gurboodka ururi gacalkiisa gogol u fidi
Go+yaasha u uumi oo raaxo heer ka gaar
Oo gurrac haddii aad aragto gurigiisaba uga guur
Gunaanadka iga guddoon gaamur duco gin-giman
Golaha aakhirana jannadii ku hayso gogol.
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